Archive for the ‘Poser’ Category

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 10, Racy Laces outfit

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

“On the tenth day of Christmas Rex Racer gave to me, some brand new racy outfits”

Picture includes. Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Shoes by Poser World and PhilC, Pose or parts of poses by ilona and MadameL

Picture includes. Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Pose or parts of poses by ilona and MadameL

The Racy Laces Outfits are pairs of tops and pants for Victoria 4 and 3.

In addition to the Outfits there are 6 material styles that can be applied either through MAT Poses or Poser Material files.  Each MAT Pose or Material file will work for both the tops and the pants.

You may experice some poke though with some poses.  However, you may be able to eliminate the poke through using some of the morphs in the clothes, such as the inflate or shift morphs.



You can download the file from ShareCG:

Updated with DAZ Studio MAT files by NeilV on 12-26-09

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 9, Atomic Bombs

Monday, December 21st, 2009

“On the ninth day of Christmas Dr. Strangelove gave to me, a pair of weapons of mass destruction”

Picture includes. Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Clothe by Poser World, Pose or parts of poses by Moochie, ilona and MadameL

Picture includes. Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Clothes by Poser World, Pose or parts of poses by Moochie, ilona and MadameL

This package includes 2 Atomic Bomb figures and a Bomb Stand figure.  Included are 4 material options for each bomb that can be applied either with Material files or MAT Pose files.  Additionally, there are a couple of pose to set the stand up for the included A-Bombs.

Finally, a way to keep your wine in a can cold


You can download the files ShareCG:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 8, Cavefur textures

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

“On the eighth day of Christmas Ron Ely gave to me, a set of groovy cave furs”

Picture includes: Victoria 4 and Michael 3 by DAZ, Skin texture and characters by Morris, Silverleif Studios, ARTCollaborations and Moggadeet.  Hairs by  Anton Kisiel, SWAM, Zachrael2002, Propschick and Bobbie25, Some poses by ilona and MadameL

Picture includes: Victoria 4 and Michael 3 by DAZ, Skin texture and characters by Morris, Silverleif Studios, ARTCollaborations and Moggadeet. Hairs by Anton Kisiel, SWAM, Zachrael2002, Propschick and Bobbie25, Some poses by ilona and MadameL

This is a package of 6 fur materials for the Cavefolks clothes.  The materials can be applied either using Material files or MAT Pose files.

There are 2 versions of each material.  The first version is for the Cave Dresses and Caves Skirts (they both use the same material or pose files).  The second version is for the Tops.   The first version will work with the Tops but may add extra material groups).



You can download the file from ShareCG:

NeilV added D/S file for the Cavefur textures.  If you downloaded the Cavefure texture befor Tuesday evening (12-22-09) you can get the D/S file here:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 7, Cavefolk skirts (Kilts)

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

“On the seventh day of Christmas, Loana gave to me, a completely boss Cave Kilt”

Picture includes.  Victoria 3 and 4 and Background by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Coconut top by PhileC.

Picture includes. Victoria 3 and 4 and Background by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002, Magix 101 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios, MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Glasses by obm890, Coconut top by PhileC.

This package of clothing includes cave skirts (Kilts for the lads) and halter tops for modest ladies.

There are 2 versions of each Skirt.  Some of the outfits have leg parts that match either the Buttocks for Michael 3 and Victoria 3 or the thighs for Micheal 4 and Victoria 4. The other outfits have no leg parts.  Depending on how the figure is posed it can be easier to sometimes have matching leg parts in the clothes and sometimes not to have them.

These clothes are UV mapped to allow them to use textures for the Cavefolk Dresses that were released earlier.   The Skirts have all the same material groups as the Dresses allowing any MAT poses or material files made for the Dresses to work on the Skirts.  The Tops only have one material group, so MAT poses or material files made for the Dresses will work on the Tops but may add addition and useless material groups.


You can download them from ShareCG:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 6, Pith Helmet and Boonie Hat

Friday, December 18th, 2009

“On the sixth day of Christmas Dr. Livingstone, Zombie Hunter, gave to me, a Pith Helmet and Boonie Hat”

Picture includes: Zombies by Smith Micro, Fonts from Blambot

Picture includes: Zombies by Smith Micro, Fonts from Blambot

Today we have Pith Helmet and Boonie Hat props for Michael 3 and 4 and Victoria 3 and 4.  Of course since they are props it is pretty easy to reposition and rescale them to fit other figures, like zombies.


You can download them here:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 5, Vintage Mary Jane Pumps

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

“On the fifth day of Christmas Jimmy Choo gave to me, five golden rings…  Oops I mean a pair of Vintage Mary Jane Pumps”

Picture includes: Victoria 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios and Catharina Przezak, hand poses by AdamThwaites, clothing textures by eblank.

Picture includes: Victoria 4 by DAZ, hairs by SWAM, Zachrael2002 and Danae, skin textures by Silverleif Studios and Catharina Przezak, hand poses by AdamThwaites, clothing textures by eblank.

The Vintage Mary Jane Pump feature shoes with and without sock for Victoria 3 and 4.

Note DAZ Studio users will need to zero the shoes when fitting them to a figure.


You can download them from here:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 4, Cavefolk Dresses (and Tunics)

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

“On the fourth day of Christmas Captain Caveman gave to me, some spiffy cavefolk duds”

Picture includes: Victoria 4 by DAZ, RM Tharyn character and textures by Rebelmommy, Amarseda Hair by April YSH

Picture includes: Victoria 4 by DAZ, RM Tharyn character and textures by Rebelmommy, Amarseda Hair by April YSH

Cavefolk Dresses and Tunics are outfits for Victoria 3 and 4 and Michael 3 and 4.

There are 2 versions of each dress (or tunic).  Some of the outfits have hidden leg parts that match either the Buttocks for Michael 3 and Victoria 3 or the thighs for Micheal 4 and Victoria 4.  The other outfits have no leg parts.  Depending on how the figure is posed it can be easier to sometimes have matching leg parts in the clothes and sometimes not to have them.

But wait, there’s more.  eblank made a set of six texture to go with the Cavefolk clothes.

Rendered by eblank

Rendered by eblank

Rendered by eblank

Rendered by eblank

You can find more of eblank’s stuff at

Download the clothes from ShareCG:

Download eblank’s textures here:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 3, Seadog Hair

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

“On the third day of Christmas my pirate friend gave to me, a really bad hair day”

Picture includes: Michael 4 and Victoria 4 by DAZ, Michael 4 character and skin texture by bergiedrumma,  Victoria 4 skin texture by Silverleif Studios, clothes from DAZ and Poser World

Picture includes: Michael 4 and Victoria 4 by DAZ, Michael 4 character and skin texture by bergiedrumma, Victoria 4 skin texture by Silverleif Studios, clothes from DAZ and Poser World

Seadog Hair is a set of non-conforming scraggly hair and bandanna figures.  The Seadog Hair includes four figure pre-positioned for Victoria 3 and 4 and Michael 3 and 4 in their zeroed positions.  Also included are MAT Pose file to apply 3 different hair colors and 3 different bandanna textures.

Because the Seadog Hair is a non-conforming figure it can easily be used with other figures by reposition and scaling the Seadog Hair.  Additionally, the hair can be easily hidden to allow using the bandanna by itself.   Likewise, the bandanna can be hidden allowing the hair to be used with other hats.

Please note that this is not a conforming figure.  To use it you need to parent it to a head.  Do not conform it.

You can download it here:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 2 16 oz. Beverage cans

Monday, December 14th, 2009

“On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, A six pack of tallboys”

Picture includes the Following items: Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, Skin textures by MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Hairs by Magix 101and Danae, Clothes by Poser World and 9Mbi, Glasses by obm890

Picture includes the Following items: Victoria 3 and 4 by DAZ, Skin textures by MaskEdit and Catharina Przezak, Hairs by Magix 101and Danae, Clothes by Poser World and 9Mbi, Glasses by obm890

The 16 oz. Beverage Can pack includes a high poly 16 oz can with open morphs, a lower poly 16 oz. can, a 6 pack with the lower poly can, version of the high poly can smart parented to the right hands of Victoria 3 and 4 and Michael 3 and 4, and a drinking straw smart parented to the high poly can.  Additionally there are hand poses for Victoria 3 and 4 and Michael 3 and 4.  And finally there are 2 set of materials the can be applied with MAT Poses or Material files.


Note the straw is set to smart parent to the Can-16oz.  However, if it doesn’t work the straw may load near the ground.

There may be problems with the hand poses n DAZ Studio.  I had no problems with them in Poser 7 or DAZ Studio 3, but one of the testers reported problems with them in DAZ Studio

Download the file:

12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 1 Vintage Soxer

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

I know that everybody has been wondering “where is Chris and why hasn’t he made any more Poser Jewelry or updated his blog?”, that and “Do these make my butt look big?”

Well to properly answer the first question we need to flashback to the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (insert cool flashback transition effect here).  P.S. the answer to the second question is never “No, honey, your butt is just big”.

So there I was hanging out with Bill, the cat, listening to Deathtöngue and snorting catnip when suddenly I was visited by GOD, well not actually GOD but Jesus, actually Baby Jesus, Dancing Baby Jesus, Dancing Baby Jesus with “Hooked on a feeling” (the Ooka Shaka song) playing in the background.  And Ally McBeal was there with Dancing Baby Ooka Shaka Jesus, you remember, she was that skinny short-skirt wearing lawyer.  Man that was some really good catnip.

Anyhow, Dancing Baby Ooka Shaka Jesus spoke unto me “Dude, I want you to go forth and celebrate my birth by buying many gifts for your friends and family and running up your credit card debt to help out the big financial companies”.  Apparently, Dancing Baby Ooka Shaka Jesus owns a lot of BofA and CitiGroup stock.

“But Dancing Baby Ooka Shaka Jesus I don’t think I can really afford to run up my credit card debt”

“Oh very well then, How about if you make a bunch of Poser freebies and then give them away for the 12+1 days of Christmas?”

“Wouldn’t that be 13 days of Christmas?”

“No way dude, I mean 12+1.  We don’t like that other number, bad mojo and what not.  So what do you say Chris Dude can you do it?”

“Alright then, Dancing Baby Ooka Shaka Jesus, I’ll do it, I’ll make freebies for the 13, I mean 12+1 days of Christmas

“Thank you Chris, you are a most righteous dude.  Say is that catnip?”


12+1 Days of Christmas – Day 1 Vintage Soxer

“On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, A Vintage Soxer outfit for Victoria 3 and 4”

Vintage Soxer outfit

Picture includes the Following items: Victoria 3 by DAZ, Ravenna character by Diao, Donna Hair by Lisbeth, Soxer outfit by Chris Cox, Soxer outfit textures by eblank

The Vintage Soxer outfit is a Sweater and Skirt for Victoria 3 and 4.  Many of Victoria’s body morphs have been added to the clothing.  Also included are some partial poses to allow Victoria’s legs to match the sit morphs in the skirts

As a bonus eblank has created 4 sets of additional textures.  You can visit eblank’s webpages here:

I hope you enjoy these.

Download the outfit from ShareCG:

Download eblank’s textures: